Sunday, July 6, 2008

MARIA PLATICA - Unverwundbarkeit


Daiana Prundurel said...

Maria,desnele tale ma fac sa tresar, simt o emotie puternica.-Poate pentru ca sunt in primul rand o "mamica-mica"?!
Multumesc pentru emotia care mi-ai daruit-o.

Maria Berg said...

Iti multumesc pentru comentariu, "mamica-mica"... Cred ca nu stim niciodata cu precizie "de ce". Important este, incotro duce acea emotie, iar dorinta si intentia mea este sa duca mereu in directia luminii.

AB said...

A long time ago I saw a documentary about the wonderful story of a sea creature, a shrimp of some sort...I don't recall the name specifically, but it was interesting nonetheless. These apparently plain little creatures that dwell in the deep sea, are plain looking, almost transparent and do not present any particular reason why someone would ever have a special interest in them, not to mention even making a movie about that. But still, there was something more to them. They were special! Their boring little lives would end in a dramatic and poetic way. At the very end of their lives...the whole colony of creatures would simultaneously engage in a frenetic mating ritual...a fantastic swirl of males and females doing nothing but giving their last drop of life and energy into their final creation: laying the eggs of the next generation. The little hatchlings would later come out and feed from the remains of their parents and once again start the same circle of life, love and death.
This short story was the first thing that came into my mind when I saw your drawings. It can be a deep subject to explore. "The child within" is your own personal self, the one that you used to be, your innocence, the child that was, grew up, but somehow still manages to be deep inside yourself somewhere. You cherish it because it is the last true side of you. You keep it deep inside because it is precious and the hard shell that protects it is as lifeless as the darkness that tries to protect it from. It is the drop of light in a sea of darkness.
It is every scared little lonely kid in the world...
…It’s your Gustav Klimt's "The Three Ages of Woman"...

ajnanina said...

sa ma nasc... sa nu ma nasc...
copilul interior doarme, mama e doar o amintire, un fum.
lipseste adultul interior/exterior care sa echilibreze situatia si sa ii aduca pe cei doi - mama si copil in aceeasi lume, in acelasi timp, pentru a se intelege si a se iubi reciproc...

aici, copilul interior tine loc de inima, si priveste inauntru/ in afara cu ritmicitatea pulsului... sau a contractiilor de nastere... sunt ceva sanse pentru amandoi sa fie bine... cu conditia sa accepte sa imparta aceeasi lume in acelasi timp.

nasterea s-a declansat, dar copilul parca se razgandeste...
sorry, nu mai e cale de intoarcere... cel mai bine e sa faci pace cu tine insuti, cu mama, cu lumea, cu procesul insusi al nasterii si renasterii...

am copiat aici impresiile de pe blogul Mariei... si ii urez nastere usoara pentru toti copiii care mai traiesc inca, nenascuti in mintea, inima si trupul ei :)